Wednesday, November 17, 2010

IBM Joins OpenJDK

IBM and Oracle are going to work more closely together on Java, starting with IBM joining the OpenJDK project. IBM engineers will soon be working directly alongside Oracle engineers, as well as many other contributors, on the Java SE Platform reference implementation—starting with JDK 7. Chief Architect Mark Reinhold commented, "It's a big step towards the model I'd envisioned as perfection; multiple organizations cooperating on the platform in a common code base." Good news, indeed.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ITaaS : The Latest innovation on IT

IT when originated was meant to be a solution provider but with passage of time and reorienting and realigning its close proximity with other business prospects, its role has constantly changed and evolved and in itself is a mainstream application and needs a solution provider to take care of it. The tech world was buzzed with the concept of Software-as-a-Service but with relatively low pace IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) is also gaining popularity.

With the complications involved in maintaining the IT services, the business people have emerged out with new concept. They are now taking IT as a different business unit within the existing business. The penetration of IT in other business sectors is so massive that businesses have started taking care of IT as a different entity. The approach to IT has changed drastically.

The business concerns are transforming their IT departments to small business units and treating their internal IT users as their external consumers. But this transformation of IT to a newer role is not easy. It needs bulk of efforts to re-engineer the workflow, manage project portfolios. This change is pushed forward by the facts that the adoption of such approach can help avoid the downtime of certain unauthorized changes, managing IT assets, and deliver the better services to internal users. This change will help the organizations to provide the internal the user with same grade of services as they are committed to external consumers.

IT as a service encircles many services and applications like SOA, ERP. The concept of Managed Services or Managed Service Providers (MSP) is also a lot similar. Taking care of IT as a different business will align the need and demands of IT.

It will help you to carry on your business successfully by diverting your attention fully to IT services rather than managing its implications and applications.

Some define IT as a service, a concept that have portfolio of IT integrated components like software solutions, hardware, new software launches or network solutions. It glues the ideology of on-demand business. It will help the business people to evolve to business model that gels with the strategy of ‘build-as-you-grow’ and ‘pay-as-you-use’ through the concept of shared services. IT as a service is gaining popularity because of the advantages linked to it:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Personal Computer in a Pen

(“Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package”)

I am now going to tell about P-ISM (“Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package”), which is nothing but It is simply a new invention in computer and it is associated with communication field. Surely this will have a great impact on the computer field. In this device you will find Bluetooth as the main interconnecting device between different peripherals. Its there with a cost of $4999 approx. P-ISM is a gadget package including five functions: a pen-style cellular phone with a handwriting data input function, virtual keyboard, a very small projector, camera scanner, and personal ID key with cashless pass function. P-ISMs are connected with one another through short-range wireless technology. The whole set is also connected to the Internet through the cellular phone function. This personal gadget in a minimalist pen style enables the ultimate ubiquitous computing. It is shown below

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Message of Thanx

I'm very thankful to Mr. Bhrigu for declaring me Trainer of the Month. Thanks to Poonam Ma'am for providing me such a great oppertunity and special thanx to Sir Vivek to allow me take the same.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Interfaces in Java

What are Interfaces in Java???
In fact the question is
Why Interfaces???

I remember this was a question used to be there in my mind always during the days when I started teaching Core java initially.

And I always found misleaded by many of the books which says…

Ø Interfaces are alternative to multiple inheritance…
? Question is why multiple inheritance was removed from C++, if an alternative was to be provided…and if we revisit java evolution period we see that the ambiguity problem with C++ multiple inheritance was addressed in Java by removing it.
? And if it is true, then why two different keywords… extends for Base Classes and implements for Interfaces…
Ø Interfaces are classes.

Let me put my point of view now, and you are always welcome to come with your viewpoints as well on this.

After all my analysis and reiterating java and doing R&D in MRs, I come to believe the following facts about Interfaces:

Ø We can build a complete project even without creating a single interface of our own.
Ø The above point doesn’t mean that Interfaces are useless.
Ø Interfaces are very religiously used in Java – They are used as a tool to implement 100% level of Abstraction. Eg.
o 100% Level of Abstraction :: The following statement is a very good example of demoing Interfaces as a tool for Abstraction:
List obj=new LinkedList();
where List is an interface and LinkedList is a class implementing List interfaces… Collections API !!! Remember !
Try this and you will come to know that via obj only List methods will be available @ runtime. This clearly shows that obj here is used as an object of List interface to have limited access to methods of LinkedList class, which means abstraction is being implemented here and that too with 100% level as List is an interface and interfaces can’t contain their own method definitions.
o Hence Interfaces are alternative to abstract classes in order to provide 100% level of Abstraction.
o Behavioral Standardization of Class Hierarchy – In simpler terms a project manager can make use of interfaces in order to ensure that the classes being defined by the developers are meeting the client requirements. Remember, it becomes necessary to define all method bodies while implementing an Interface by a class.

I am pretty sure this would be a help to you all to understand “WHY Interfaces?” better and will be more able to demonstrate the same in your classes….

All the Best!!!